Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Chicago 7

By 1968 hundreds of organizations actively opposed the Vietnam War. Ideologies ranged from groups focused on peace, such as the National Mobilization Committee to End War in Vietnam (MOBE), to groups with political roots like the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Most of the Chicago 7 were outspoken leaders from several activist organizations. Months before the Democratic National Convention, activists met to coordinate protest efforts by over 100 anti-war groups. Later, these meetings were used as evidence for conspiracy charges. When the Chicago convention began in August 1968, demonstrators were met with brutal police actions; 589 were arrested, 219 were injured. In March 1969 a grand jury indicted eight activists on charges related to the violence in Chicago. One of the cases was dropped and the defendants became known as the Chicago Seven. The defendants were Abbie Hoffman (pictured above), Jerry Rubin, Dave Dellinger, Rennie Davis, Tom Hayden, Lee Weiner, and John Froines. The defendants used the proceedings to put the war on trial. A parade of celebrity, activists, and liberals gave testimony, and along with vast numbers of demonstrations, helped to keep the anti-war message in headlines for over half a year. In early 1970, all seven defendants were acquitted of conspiracy; two were acquitted of all charges; the other five were convicted of inciting a riot. Each defendant was sentenced to five years and fined $5,000. These convictions were later overturned due to judicial bias and problems with jury selection.

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